Dr. Alanis
About Audencio Alanis M.D.
Dr. Audencio Alanis received his medical degree from the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon Monterrey, Mexico in 1978. After moving to the United States he did surgical residencies at St. Francis Medical Center, Trenton New Jersey/ Hahnemann University in Philadelphia, and St. Mary Hospital, Waterbury, CN/ Yale University, New Haven, CN. He received surgical oncology training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Dr. Alanis is certified by the American Board of Abdominal Surgery. He is also a member of numerous medical and surgical Professional associations including the American Society of Bariatric Surgeons and S.A.G.E.S.
Dr. Alanis has worked in Texas since 1986 and today 95% of his practice is in Bariatrics. He has performed over 3000 Bariatric cases both open and laparoscopic procedures, including lap bands, roux-en-y, and sleeve gastrectomies. Dr Alanis is a general surgeon who in addition performs several other non-invasive laparoscopic procedures such as Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia repair, Laparoscopic Nissan Fundoplication, etc. His determination to bring the best to his patients is a value he takes very seriously. To help meet this goal he works diligently to stay abreast of the latest information about bariatrics and frequently attends educational opportunities.
2009 – PRES.
Chairman of Governing Board
Chairman of Pharmacy and Therapeutic
Chairman of Infection Control Surgery
Specialty Hospital of America Pasadena, TX2007 – 2008
Chairman of Medical Executive
Committee Surgery Specialty
Hospital of America Pasadena, TX2006 – 2007
Chairman of Credentialing
Twelve Oaks Medical Center
Houston, TX2004 – 2005
Program Director of Bariatric
Surgery Twelve Oaks Medical Center
Houston, TX2004 – 2005
Chairman of Bariatric
Surgery Doctor's Hospital
Parkway Houston, TX2001 – 2002
Chief of Surgery Doctor's
Hospital Parkway/Tidwell
Houston, TX2001 – 2002
Vice-Chairman of Surgery
East Houston Regional Medical Center
Houston, TX2000 – 2001
Chairman of Surgery
East Houston Regional Medical Center
Houston, TX1998 – 1999
Vice-Chairman of Surgery
East Houston Regional Medical Center
Houston, TX1996 – 1997
Member of the Board of Trustees
Columbia East Houston Medical Center
Houston, TX1994 – 1995
Chairman of Surgery
Doctors Hospital East Loop
Houston, TX1992 – 1993
Chairman of Surgery
Doctors Hospital East Loop
Houston, TX1988 – 1990
Chief of Surgery
Memorial Hospital Port
Lavaca, TX -
Recurrent Abdominal Wall Hernia
After Adjustable Gastric Band Placement
A Case Report2011
Retrograde Intussusception after Gastric Bypass
Case Report and Literature Review2011
Recurrent Umbilical Hernia after Adjustable Gastric
Band PlacementNov. 1989
“Primary Resection and Anastomosis in Acute
Diverticulitis” Published in Diseases in Colon and Rectum -
1969 – 1971
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Pre-Med1971 – 1978
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Medical Doctor1979 – 1981
Private Practice
Houston, TX1982 – 1984
St. Francis Medical Center, Trenton, NJ
Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, PA
Categorical Residency: Gen. Sur: Pgy-1/2Nov. 1984
American College of Surgeons
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CN
Advance Trauma Life Support Provider1984 – 1987
St. Mary Hospital, Waterbury, CN
Yale University, New Haven, CN
Residency: Gen.Sur: PGY-3/51985 – 1986
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
Alumni – Surgical Oncology TrainingSept. 1997
American College of Surgeons
UT Medical School Houston, TX
Advance Trauma Life Support ProvideFeb. 2002
American College of Surgeons
UT Medical School
Galveston, TX
Advance Trauma Life Support Provider
ReverificationFeb. 2002
UTSW Medical Center
Dallas, TX
SW Center for Invasive Surgery
Laparoscopic Bariatric SurgeryAug. 2002
UTSW Medical Center
Dallas, TX Laparoscopic
Bariatric Surgery Fellowship ProgramDec. 2005
Inamed Health Sponsored Training Program
New York, NY
Lap Band System WorkshopAug. 2006
American Society of Bariatric
Surgery San Francisco, CA
Advanced Bariatric Life Support -
ECFMG No. 305-864-1
Medical Licensure: NJ-MA43844
Medical Licensure:TX-G9704
Certified by the American Board of Abdominal Surgery
Re-Certified by the American Board of Abdominal Surgery

About Audencio Alanis M.D.
Dr. Alanis is one of the pioneers of Bariatric Surgery in Houston, Texas.
Today, today 95% of his practice is in Bariatrics and he has performed over 4000 Bariatric cases both open and laparoscopic procedures, including lap bands, roux-en-y, and sleeve gastrectomies.

Weight Problems
Being overweight has many negative implications.
The most serious consequence is the increased risk of illness and death with increasing severity of obesity, but many other areas of life are affected

BMI Calculator
Use our interactive BMI Calculator
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Enter your weight and height to find out your BMI.

Informative links
Click below to access all the information you need to know about Bariatric Surgery